After Queen Mary died on November 17th, 1558, preparations began for her half-sister Elizabeth to next ascend to the throne. These preparations included relocating Elizabeth from her residence in Hatfield House outside of London to the City itself, where she could prepare for her coronation. On November 23rd, Elizabeth traveled from Hatfield to the Charterhouse just outside of London, and on November 28th, she made her first official entrance into London following the proclamation of her queenship. This entrance took the form of a procession from the north of the City, entering through Cripplegate, and ending at the Tower of London, where she would reside for the next week. A map depicting this procession is available here.


Later, on January 14th, 1559 (the day before her coronation), Elizabeth made another procession through London. This procession was arranged by the Lord Mayor, the Aldermen, and the Worshipful Companies of the City. Elizabeth started at the Tower and processed westward to Westminster Abbey, where the coronation would be held the next day. Along her route, she witnessed pageants praising her and anticipating her reign. Another map illustrating this procession and the pageants along the route is available here.