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than the bird does, with more longings.</l> <l>Though I too have a home,</l> <l>I find comfort in denying it.</l> <l>There are many homes.</l> <l>They choose you.</l> </lg> <lg> <l>Perhaps I would give much for assurance.</l> <l>I have never been offered a bargain.</l> <l>An old game played by two persons throwing three dice,</l> <l>This too is passage.</l> <l>In my house</l> <l>the passage from the door leads to the kitchen</l> <l>then off to the bath.</l> <l>I take long baths</l> <l>putting milk on my face</l> <l>leaving the door open to the smells of the kitchen.</l> <l>But it is all in passing</l> <l>in a hasty manner</l> <l>cursorily</l> <l>that I continue.</l> </lg> <byline><persName key="Carole Glasser" ref="">Carole Glasser</persName></byline> <trailer>Carole Glasser is a songwriter and a poet. She lives in an apartment with a large terrace and a large dog. </trailer> </div> <div> <head><title>Some Unsaid Things</title></head> <lg><l>I was not going to say</l> <l>how you lay with me</l></lg> <lg> <l>nor where your hands went</l> <l>& left their light impressions</l></lg> <lg><l>nor whose face was white</l> <l>as a splash of moonlight</l></lg> <lg><l>nor who spilled the wine</l> <l>nor whose blood stained the sheet</l></lg> <lg> <l>nor which one of us wept</l> <l>to set the dark bed rocking</l></lg> <lg><l>nor what you took me for</l> <l>nor what I took you for</l></lg> <lg><l>nor how your fingertips</l> <l>in me were roots</l></lg> <lg><l>light roots torn leaves put down¬</l> <l>nor what you tore from me</l></lg> <lg><l>nor what confusion came</l> <l>of our twin names</l></lg> <lg> <l>nor will I say whose body</l> <l>opened, sucked, whispered</l></lg> <lg> <l>like the ocean, unbalancing</l> <l>what had seemed a safe position</l></lg> <byline><persName key="Joan Larkin" ref="">Joan Larkin</persName></byline> <trailer>Reprinted by permission of the author from Housework, (Out & Out Books), copyright © 1975 by Joan Larkin.</trailer> <trailer>Joan Larkin’s first book of poems is entitled <title key="Housework" ref="">Housework</title>. She is co-editor of <title>Amazon Poetry: An Anthology of Lesbian Poetry</title>. Both books were published by Out and Out Books, a women’s independent press she helped to start in 1975.</trailer> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> Document Download Object Type XML document