Heresies Issue 4 Cover

Women's Traditional Arts? Initially we met anticipating discussions of quilts, pottery and weaving rugs. But discussions of quillwork, poetry and weaving narratives came up too. It became clear that basic to our concerns was the politics of aesthetics. And in these discussions we couldn't examine either the artifacts or their politics without a constant awareness that our process was collective. We found that collectivity and deadlines make strange bedpersons. Like any revolution, any revelation, collectivity was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

(excerpt "From the Editorial Group")

(This list represents a selection of text pieces from the issue)

"From the Editorial Group"
Friedlander, "The Aesthetics of Oppression: Traditional Arts of Women in Mexico"
Bovenshcen, "Is There a Feminine Aesthetic?"
Russ, "Women Talking, Women Thinking"
Ladden, "The Martyr Arts"
Rickey, "The Straits of Literature and History"
De Lauretis, "The Left Hand of History"
Burnside, "Weaving"
Feinberg, Goldberg, Gross, Lieberman, and Sacre, "Political Fabrications: Women's Textiles in 5 Cultures"
Jaudon and Kozloff, "'Art Hysterical Notions' of Progress and Culture"
Nochlin, "Excerpts from Women and the Decorative Arts"
Grabenhorst-Randall, "The Woman's Building"
Gear, "Trapped Women: Two Sister Designers, Margaret and Frances MacDonald"
Weiss, "Adelaide Alsop Robineau: Ceramicist from Syracuse"
Keller, "Women of the Bauhaus"
Herrera, "Portrait of Frida Kahlo as a Tehuana"
Garrard, "Feminism: Has It Changed Art History?"
Lippard, "Making Something from Nothing (Toward a Definition of Women's 'Hobby Art')"
Meyer and Schapiro, "Waste Not/Want Not: Femmage"
Noguere, "Sewing With My Great-Aunt Leonie Amestoy"
"Conversations & Reminiscences"
Patterson, "aran kitchens, aran sweaters"
Aziz, "Nepal Hill Art and Women's Traditions"
Teilhet, "The Equivocal Role of Women Artists in Non-Literate Cultures"
Wood, Emmons, and Moser, "Women's Art if Village India"
Berry, "Quill Art"
Martin, "Turkmen Women, Weaving and Cultural Change"
MacGaffey, "Kongo Pottery: Women's Art from Zaire"
Maksymowicz, "Myth and the Sexual Division of Labor"
Hollister and Weatherford, "By the Lakeside There is an Echo"